Well freshman year i started ROTC and attended West Ranch High School. I didn't really know Chris that well but around Sophmore year i started talking to him. Funny thing is we actually used to hate each other. I tried to kick his butt and of course he won :) lol. But soon after all that we started to become really good friends and became best friends in a year. He had always been a great friend to me and we would hang out all the time. I always liked him more than a friend but never really told him, just flirted ;). Anyways on June 7 2010 I got into a pretty bad car accident and my car was totaled, well Chris and my friends had driven in front of me and they had heard the accident. Chris came running up the hill and held me and hugged me and told me everything would be ok. He was really there for me after my accident. I remember that night he brought me flowers and told me i looked beautiful even though my face was all banged up from the air bag. After that we spent the most amazing summer together. He asked me out on June 14 at Pamplico park in the cutest way. He brought me my favorite candy bar and somehow he slipped a little note inside it that said "will you be my girlfriend" and i fell in love with him. Unfortunately there was a lot of drama soon after and it affected us so we broke up for awhile. Then on January 22nd 2011 he asked me out again at Mountain View Park. I was so happy! Well a month later he left for boot camp, which sucked, but I was so proud of him. After he was in corps school in Texas, We got married on August 8th 2011 on his leave before going to FMTB. About a month after we got married I moved from California to North Carolina to be with him. I really enjoyed living in North Carolina and made some great friends. After his two months of training, We moved to South Carolina and that is where we currently live. I love it here and I cant wait to see where we go to next!! <3.